Koether Gallery at Crane’s Mill Showcases Resident Artwork

The Koether Gallery, centrally-located in Crane’s Mill’s Towne Square, displays a rotating array of artists and their work including paintings, photographs, sculptures, and mixed-media pieces. In recent months, visitation restrictions paused the usual cycle, and the West Essex Art Association’s exceptional juried exhibition remained in place longer than anticipated—the exhibit was installed March 1st and was only recently changed.

The gallery currently features work from Crane’s Mill resident artists, including cottage resident Lynne Palmer. Her exhibit includes oil and watercolor paintings of a variety of subjects from home and abroad, including landscapes and wildlife from around the Crane’s Mill campus.

Lynne began to embrace her artistic side full-time after retiring in 2008 from a 40-year career as a social worker. In 2013, she and her husband Archie moved from Glen Ridge to Crane’s Mill.

Mrs. Palmer has studied at the Oakside Cultural Center, the Yard School at the Montclair Art Museum, and The Art Garage, and looks forward to again participating in the weekly Crane’s Mill Artists’ Enclave—a Saturday morning program at Crane’s Mill in which a number of artistically inclined residents meet to paint and share inspiration.

“It’s important to continually work at your craft to improve,” explained Lynne. “I paint almost every day.”

A few of her Crane’s Mill-inspired works are below. Click the image for a closer look: