
Lifestyle : La Via Wellness

La Via Wellness

Try our health plan for residents: La Via Wellness – 6 Dimensions to a Better You

When you choose Crane’s Mill, you make a significant investment into your long-term health and well-being. With La Via Wellness, Crane’s Mill is making an important investment in you. Designed and executed by specially-trained staff members, La Via Wellness represents forward-thinking, industry-leading programming designed especially for you.

La Via, our health and wellness plan for residents, is your personal route to wellness. Programs have their foundation firmly rooted in what you already love to do or always wanted to try—like fitness classes, nature walks, and volunteering. La Via helps lay the groundwork so you can further explore your interests and build a well-rounded lifestyle that allows you to thrive each and every day.

La Via is based on six key dimensions which serve as stepping stones on the path to comprehensive well-being:

  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Intellectual
  • Emotional & Social
  • Vocational
  • Environmental

Meet and exceed your goals with our wellness plan

We all have goals we would like to accomplish. Some may be modest, like eating more vegetables or reading a trendy piece of fiction. Others may prove more challenging, such as improving endurance or attending university courses.

Whether you aim to get stronger, take up a new hobby, or learn a new language, La Via makes it easy to get started, follow through, and achieve those goals.

Every month, a calendar of programs is published and delivered to residents. La Via icons appear alongside programs which meet La Via’s purpose. Residents can personalize their own La Via wellness plan by selecting exactly which activities meet their wants and needs.

Learn more about our senior wellness program

Crane’s Mill, a part of Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey (LSMNJ), is a community with rich programming and a deep commitment to each resident’s well-being. Now, through La Via, we help you explore an even deeper commitment to your wellness.

La Via Wellness is exclusive to LSMNJ and its senior communities. To learn more or to request a sample calendar, call 973-276-6700 or email cranesmill@lsmnj.org.

View the latest Crane’s Mill calendar here.

Wellness program statistics

Exercising the body, mind, and spirit are proven to stave off disease and promote longevity.

• A recent study says even gentle exercise can increase lifespan by 3 to 5 years.*
• 90% of residents who took part in wellness activities said they were happy with their quality of life.*
• The W.H.O. says regular exercise can reduce the risk of having a hip fracture by 40%.**

*ICAA/ProMatura; **World Health Organization