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Did You Know? The Crane’s Mill Campus is a Certified Wildlife Habitat

Crane’s Mill is a Certified Wildlife Habitat. Here’s more on that certification, and what it means to our residents.

We are proud to share that Crane’s Mill is a Certified Wildlife Habitat. We have signs posted on our campus that read:


Crane’s Mill is a Certified Wildlife Habitat

“This habitat is certified in the National Wildlife Federation’s worldwide network of mini-refuges. Because of the owner’s conscientious planning, landscaping, and sustainable gardening, wildlife may find quality habitat.”

To be classified as a Certified Wildlife Habitat, the Crane’s mill campus has to continually provide the four basic basic habitat elements needed for wildlife to thrive: food, water, cover, and places to raise young.

It’s a wonderful sight for our resident to look out their windows towards the woods surrounding our campus. They get to see untouched, serene, natural land that is home to an array of birds, wild turkeys, deer, and so much more.

During migration periods, all sorts of colorful feathered friends can be seen stopping over at Crane’s Mill on their way to their seasonal homes and families of deer bound happily in West Essex Park (our neighbor directly to the west of our pond).

Our resident trail walking group goes out every Friday morning to tour the woods, and after hiking with a watchful eye, they report back on their latest findings.

In fact, the group (led by experienced trail keeper Mike Mazur) sometimes brings their camera along—they shared these 100 nature photos from on and around campus—click this link to see more…enjoy!