Happy Purim!
Crane’s Mill residents prepare to celebrate this festive Jewish holiday
We write a lot about how great it is to live at Crane’s Mill. What we don’t often mention is just how great it is to work at Crane’s Mill. A huge reason why we’re so lucky to work here is that we have a wide array of residents from different backgrounds, and they’re usually eager to share a story or two about their families, youth, careers or traditions.
This afternoon served as a wonderful example. After a day of hosting over 100 people for our Heart Healthy event, we stepped back to the administrative offices for a much needed break (and for a chance to check emails, voicemails and good, old-fashioned “snail mail”). On the way, we noticed that a number of festive gift bags had been delivered for our residents. Upon closer inspection, colorful notes were attached reading “Happy Purim!”
When the residents came to pick up their treats, we couldn’t help but inquire about Purim. An enlightening conversation ensued with two residents who were particularly excited to share:
The holiday Purim celebrates the Jewish people being saved from extermination at the hands of Haman. This year, Purim is celebrated from Saturday evening, February 23rd through Sunday evening, February 24th. (For a detailed entry about Purim, please click here to visit the Jewish Virtual Library.)
Part of the holiday’s fun is that people are commanded to “eat, drink and be merry” to celebrate. In response to that command, people give each other gifts of food and drink. So, the gift bags we spotted were stuffed to the gills with all sorts of tidbits. Included in one bag was a wheat snack named “Bissli.” Marked as BBQ flavor, we hope our friends will share, because we are curious to taste this delicious-sounding snack!
Other traditional Purim treats include challah, a braided egg bread, and hamantashen, a triangular pastry named for the aforementioned Haman.
Our dining services team is of course preparing some of our residents’ traditional favorites for Purim and the upcoming Passover celebration.
This author learned something new at work today, and does so quite often. All it takes is a stroll through Towne Square and a moment to slow down during a busy day to listen.