Crane’s Mill Staff Celebrates Diversity During ‘Cultural Day’

Special Event Highlights Sharing of Dishes, Traditions, and Clothing

Crane's Mill Cultural Day

Staff celebrating in Towne Square

Crane’s Mill employees enjoyed a colorful and tasty afternoon celebrating Cultural Day. This special program took place at the West Caldwell, New Jersey retirement community and allowed staff members the opportunity to socialize and better understand each other’s unique cultural traditions.

The Crane’s Mill staff represents a true reflection of the surrounding northern New Jersey community. The people represent various nationalities, religions, races, and cultures, and they were eager to celebrate this special day.

Employees originating from countries including Haiti, Puerto Rico, Belarus, Russia, the Dominican Republic, and the East African nation Eritrea, gathered to share their unique experiences. Staff members presented traditional dishes, explained the significance of heirlooms and souvenirs, and even modeled traditional clothing and style of dress.

“We may have a lot of differences, but we have so much in common as well,” shared Nicole Smith, Director of Independent Living, who produced the program along with the newly formed Staff Engagement Committee. “Many of our cultures cherish family, togetherness, music, and of course food! Plus we all have a common link—our love for the Crane’s Mill residents.”

More than 35 delectable dishes from more than a dozen countries were prepared by staff members. Everyone had their favorites: Polish perogies, Jamaican jerk chicken, Italian sausage & peppers, Indian curry chicken, American apple pie, and so many more.

Samantha Jackman, Director of Life Enrichment, presented Guyanese favorites chow mein and fried rice. “Guyana was formed by the combination of six ethnic groups, Chinese being one of them,” she explained. The other ethnic groups include East Indian, African, Portuguese, European, and Indigenous Guyanese people.

Afternoon festivities continued with dancing, prizes, and plenty of laughter and smiles. The music in Hinman Hall spanned many of the countries represented, including Jamaica, The Philippines, Ireland, and more.

Colleen Frankenfield, LSMNJ’s President & CEO, Sherry Outten, Senior Vice President & COO, and Marina Ferrer, Vice President & Executive Director were all on-hand to enjoy the celebration.

“We have a tight-knit staff here at Crane’s Mill,” explained Ms. Ferrer. “Through programs like Cultural Day, we work to understand each other on a deeper level, and our bond grows even stronger. Ultimately, our residents benefit from a happy and engaged group providing the best care and service.”

About Crane’s Mill

Crane’s Mill is a life plan retirement community located on 48 scenic acres in West Caldwell, New Jersey. A part of Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey, Crane’s Mill offers independent living apartments and cottages with the promise of excellent healthcare for the future. Levels of care include assisted living, memory support, rehabilitation, and long-term skilled nursing. For more information, visit or call (973) 276-6700.