Crane’s Mill Excellence in Care: Orthopedics
The team at Crane’s Mill is excited to share this case study focused on orthopedic recovery in the community’s Health Center.
This patient’s successful outcome was a result of her own perseverance, the dedicated staff, and our excellence in care. Stories like these happen often here at Crane’s Mill, and we are eager to share more with you in the near future.
Case Study: 92-year-old female • hip fracture • sub-acute rehabilitation
Patient Admitted: December 2021 – Crane’s Mill Health Center
Patient is a 92-year-old female who came to Crane’s Mill in December 2021 for sub- acute rehabilitation after sustaining a fall at home, which resulted in a hip fracture. She was previously living independently and ambulated without any assistive device, but it wasbecoming more and more challenging for her to live alone, and her family decided to move her to an assisted living facility close to the daughter’s home.
Physical Therapy provided to improve ambulation and transfer
Occupational Therapy to improve dressing and bathing
Speech Therapy to improve short-term memory loss
Nursing care provided to treat surgical site
Medication management
Patient Discharged: January 2022
By the time of her discharge at the end of January 2022, the patient was independent with upper body dressing, at a supervision level for lower body dressing and bathing, and ambulating 200 feet with a rolling walker.
She was discharged into an assisted living facility. Per her daughter, the facility was very impressed with her recovery and she is doing well in her new home.
To learn more about Crane’s Mill’s five-star nursing and rehabilitation care, contact Kelly Berkemeyer at 862-250-3022 or email