Community Updates Blog

West Orange Resident Thankful for Care Received at Crane’s Mill

Crane’s Mill is open to members of the outside community for direct admission into our sub-acute rehabilitation unit. To read more letters from residents and family members, visit our Meet the Residents Page

“I am a resident of West Orange, and recently needed to go to a sub-acute rehab facility. I selected Crane’s Mill in West Caldwell, and it was very beneficial for my recovery. I found that most of the people that I had contact with were very knowledgeable and helpful with their job responsibilities.

I would especially like to make note of Michael Maykish and his rehab staff on the way they helped me during my stay at Crane’s Mill. In the beginning I was very apprehensive and insecure with respect to my rehabilitation progress. Michael spoke to me about Crane’s Mill and what his department was in charge of ensuring patients to perform their mobile functions properly. The discussion enabled me to feel much better about myself.

I would also like to mention some of the people I worked with whom I have very high respect for within the therapy group. These people were very knowledgeable, kind, considerate and helpful. The therapists explained that after my discharge, it was necessary to continue exercising the routines they performed with me. The therapists I would like to mention are Sofia, Lisa, Jason, Nino, Terrill and Lorie, all responsible caring, outstanding professionals. Moreover, I would be remiss if I did not mention two employees that helped me recover more quickly from my illness – Pierre, my nursing assistant, and Chickee, one of the head nurses.

In closing, I would definitely recommend and advise others of the fulfilling experience. Thank you.”


August M.
West Orange, New Jersey