Community Updates Blog

Understanding Medicare Changes: Part 1 of 4

Here are some helpful resources to help you with changes to Medicare for 2014.

Recently, Crane’s Mill hosted a medical lecture entitled “Medicare…What Now???” The program featured members of SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) and discussed some of the upcoming changes concerning Medicare.

The Crane’s Mill Courier was on-hand for the presentation, and we have some information, as well as additional resources, that you may find useful.

First and foremost, Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Plans) for 2014 runs from October 15th through December 7th, and new coverage begins on January 1, 2014.

You should have already received your ANOC, or your Plan Annual Notice of Change. This packet comes to you via mail, and “includes any changes in coverage, costs, or service area that will be effective in January.” (credit:

It is important to review your ANOC to see what changes may have been made from the current year to the upcoming year. For instance, on top of changing costs, tiers of drugs that are covered may have changed. Again, it is important to inform yourself about such changes so that you may discuss your individual situation with your doctor.

Plus, here is some great news for New Jersey residents: SHIP is a free service that can help you navigate through the changes. They’ll review your individual insurance situation and, with your permission, will even contact companies on your behalf.

To contact SHIP, you can visit their website or call 1-800-792-8820. They provide individual attention as well as area event programming.

Plus, if you have questions about Medicare, you can always visit or call 1-800-MEDICARE.