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March is National Nutrition Month

It seems like every month is now “national something month,” doesn’t it?

Healthy FoodWith that said, here’s one we are happy to get behind: National Nutrition Month! Every March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics leads the country on a campaign “designed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.”

For Crane’s Mill residents, nutrition and physical activity are paramount, and they’re happy and lucky to have the tools to succeed. For instance, in the Heartwood Cafe and Candleberry Dining Room, our independent living residents have healthy choices available to them each and every day. Of course, they can choose to have a slice of pizza or a hamburger if the mood strikes, but the salad bar, vegetable omelets, fresh fruit, plus low sodium meals and heart-healthy options, are always available.

In our Health Center, our registered dietician works with each resident, their doctor, and their family to design a custom menu to meet their dietary needs.

On the physical activity front, we think Crane’s Mill gets another A+, as exercise classes are offered every day in Hinman Hall, aquatic fitness sessions take place multiple times each week, and our fitness center is open 24 hours a day!

Here’s to a healthy month for one and all!

For more on National Nutrition Month, visit eat