Feet in the Street: Walk to Help Those in Need
Feet in the Street 2018
Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ (LSMNJ) invites your participation in “Feet in the Street” a fun walk for transitional support for homeless individuals in Camden. LSMNJ is taking the steps to raise awareness and raise dollars to help 1 person – 1 hurdle – at a time. We hope you will take a step with us by registering to walk as an individual or create a team.
The FEET in the STREET Walk is family-friendly. We encourage corporate groups, youth groups, and families to join us as we walk to raise awareness and end homelessness and hunger.
Help us take the next step and gather a crowd. Please e-mail pictures of your team’s feet to feetinthestreetlsmnj@gmail.com. The more creative the better; like us on Facebook and Instagram and watch for your feet!
Saturday, September 8, 2018
(This is a Rain or Shine event)
Challenge Grove Park
Brace Road & Bortons MIll Road
Cherry Hill, NJ
(Challenge Grove Park is family friendly with playgrounds and restrooms)
Fun walk
Transitional support for homeless individuals in Camden
1 person – 1 hurdle – at a time
Through a new program of transitional services we help people meet individual challenges as they struggle with the hurdles of homelessness: Identification, Housing, Transportation, Employment, Health, and Nutrition.
The Feet in the Street walk will support a new program of one to one transitional support for the homeless individuals in Camden. The homeless population face many hurdles as they struggle to claim their lives and move forward. The funds from this year’s walk will help people to overcome these hurdles one person – one hurdle – at a time.
- $5 bus fare
- $24 non-drivers ID
- $15 copy of birth certificate
- $75 court filing for expungement of a criminal background
- $100 to cleaned-up for an interview (hair cut & clothes)
- $3,000 for CNA training
8:30 a.m. – Registration opens
9:30 a.m. – Opening ceremonies & walk begin
There is no registration fee. Each walker is asked to raise a minimum of $25 to receive a T-Shirt.
To register, simply fill out the form below: