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Here Comes The Sun

“Little Darling,” it seems like this time of year makes everything brighter!

We may not have had the snowiest winter on record, and it sure was cold, but luckily we didn’t have a lonely one as the song suggest, as we were surrounded by friends new and old here at Crane’s Mill.

Whether lonely or not, the cold days are now long behind us and the month of June is always a welcome guest in our lives. With it, it brings the longest days of the year, with plenty of sunshine well into the evening. Graduation parties abound, as do BBQs, family gatherings, and trips to the shore (we’re heading to Spring Lake on June 10–here’s a guide to our other favorite shore points).

Take some time today to remember those sweet summers of the past, and make plans for future days filled with soaking up the sand, sun, and serenity of the season.