Crane’s Mill Residents Head to the Polls on Election Day

A wonderful reminder to vote thanks to the United States Postal Service and its 1977 "Americana" series.
This year’s Election Day is proving to be a tough one for some New Jersey residents still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Sandy. Luckily, Crane’s Mill residents are able to get to the polling places with ease thanks to the community’s van and car service.
At Crane’s Mill, transportation is always included, and election day is no exception. In fact, the Crane’s Mill buses are heading to the polls at four different times throughout the day—a convenient point for those taking advantage of other amenities such as the 10:00 a.m. morning lap swim or having lunch with friends at The Heartwood Cafe.
Keeping with the spirit of the day, residents will be treated to a special lecture this evening entitled “Presidential Children.” Taking place in Hinman Hall, the presentation is sure to offer trivia and insight into the offspring of some of our country’s finest Commanders in Chief.