
Community Updates Blog

Take the Stress Out of a Big Move: Crane’s Mill Hosts Caring Transitions Program

The best in Northern New Jersey senior living plays host to relocation pros.

We are lucky to speak with a lot of retirees about their needs and concerns when it comes to moving to a retirement community. One question we hear often is “what will I do with all my stuff?!”

One July 18th, Crane’s Mill will help you answer that question and more when we play host to John Salomone and Leigh Schaeffer of Caring Transitions. These senior moving specialists will share tips and ideas about how to minimize the stress and anxiety associated with a major move and will provide helpful handouts and answer all of your questions.

Part of our “5 Retirement Essentials” speaker series, this session is free to anyone interested, although seating is limited, so please RSVP by calling 973-276-3001 or email kalmquist@lsmnj.org.