
Community Updates Blog

Free Speaker Programs in July and August

Crane’s Mill has become the “go-to” source for Northern New Jersey seniors looking for the latest info that retirees need to know. There are four free speaker programs designed exclusively for area seniors coming up in July and August, and we’d love to have you in attendance!

If you’re interested in any or all of the programs, call us at 973-276-3001 or simply click here to send us an email to let us know you’d like to attend.

July 18: Caring Transitions—the senior moving professionals from Caring Transitions will lead an interactive session all about downsizing for a big move.
July 30: Put Pain in its Place—presented by the Arthritis Foundation, New Jersey Chapter, you’ll learn the facts about osteoarthritis pain, strategies for controlling pain, appropriate physical activity and more.
August 15: Real Estate Secrets—Avery Dykman, Sales Associate, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage will share tips on selling your home in a tough market conditions.
August 21: Panel of Experts—Retirement living can be a puzzle. We have a team of people to help you solve yours. From financial experts to an actual Crane’s Mill resident, you’ll have your questions answered and concerns addressed at this very special program.